Scan local files in directory
At certain times, we may need to perform scanning for all the files stored in local directory. We can perform so using the code as follows:
import os
# scan all files in directory
for file in os.listdir('.'):
if file.endswith('.json'):
# perform action here
print(file) # for testing purpose, we are merely print the file names
However, printing the file names may not be enough. Let’s try to perform some further actions: read and scan all the json files in the local directory, combine (remove duplicate) and print it out!
import os
import json
# defining the lists
all_json = []
# scan all files in directory
for file in os.listdir('.'):
if file.endswith('.json'):
# action starts here
with open(os.path.abspath('') + '/' + file) as f:
# to union: convert the list into set
# and uses "|" to UNION it
all_json = list(set(all_json) | set(json.load(f)))
# Sort the lit
# print the combined jsons